March 18, 2011

She's getting bigger!

Our little Adelaide is the most amazing little 2 month old ever! Has nothing to do with her being our grand-daughter either! lol! She is just like her daddy. He was talking sentences at about 8-9 months. (not kidding here) She tries so hard to talk, making sounds and noises. But you can just see it in her eyes. She studies you, trying to figure out how you're making those words. Anyway here are some recent pics. Enjoy!

She is a character isn't she?

Such a sweet, happy baby.

"How are you making those words come out?!!"

This is her 2 month old check up. She's in the 110 percentile for weight, 95th for height and she stands like a 3-4 month old, according to the doctor. Told ya she was special!! 

Not a great pic with the red-eye and all but how do you not love this one? That's her daddy. He sure loves his little girl. Well that's all for now. Have a wonderful weekend!!


  1. SWEET! SOOOO CUTE!!! I am new here and would love you to come visit and follow me too :)
    Shauna from

  2. Aren't you so lucky to hold a treasure like that! She looks beautiful.

    Hello, I'm Yasmin and I'm new to your blog. I hope to come back soon and see your other posts.


  3. Cuteness! She is absolutely gorgeous. Enjoy that little blessing :D
